Monday, November 23, 2009

Long Range Plan Analysis
I acquired a tremendous amount of new information from the analysis of the Long-Range Plan. Probably my biggest concern with the Long-Range Plan lies in the area of funding. As is the case in many educational programs or mandates, the funding portion of the plan is the last thing to be addressed. All other aspects of this plan have obviously been researched and studied. The plan is sound and aggressive. Unless this plan is funded efficiently and properly, it is doomed to be riddled with disfunction and inconsistencies.
The vision is right on the mark. The vision to incorporate technology in education in order to prepare Texas students for a 21st century global economy has to be done. The days of the "one size fits all" education are a thing of the past.
As a prerequisite to the vision, the Need for Change is obvious. If our educational process does not change to meet the needs of a changing world, our country will not continue to be the leader in all areas of the world.
21st century learners or, "our students" as we know them, are already ahead of the older generation when it comes to technology. In order to maximize these students' education, teachers must learn new ways to engage these students in learning with the use of technology.
Another area that is new to me is the subject of infrastructure. This task seems to be paramount for success in implementing the Long-Range Plan. The positives are endless after the infrastructure is completed and operational. The timeline for implementation is the key for success.
Professional development for teachers was also a very important part of the plan. Teachers must have appropriate, ongoing training if the technology is to be fully transfered to quality teaching and learning.
Learning all of the aspects of the Long-Range Plan has alowed me to understand the current weaknesses in our educational system. Gaining knowledge in all of the technology possibilities that can change education has been very informative in allowing me to guide technology use and integration at our school.

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