Friday, March 1, 2013


In my brief study of "Action Research" or as it is often referred to"Administrative Inquiry", I have learned that this is a valuable tool for any administrator.  This tool can be used to unclutter the days events and demands, while taking charge of the administrators own professional development.  In addition, administrative inquiry is a pathway for a principal to become the "head learner" of their campus.  Modeling this is a positive for any educational staff. 
The nuts and bolts of the action research process begins by a principal engaging in an intentional study of their job performance, routine, and effectiveness.  The ultimate goal in this process is to produce positive needed personal and professional change as a result of the inquiry.
I have also learning that Action Research is different from traditional research because it provides a practical way to improve education, teaching, and learning.  This is accomplished by addressing specific campus issues.  It requires an examination of relevant data and an opening of pathways for professional growth and most importantly, school improvement.
While thinking about the many possible ways to use Action Research, two scenarios became very apparent for me.  First, I truly believe that the process of self evaluation is critical for personal improvement in any job or position.  The ability to use the administrator inquiry piece should be a powerful tool for self improvement.  The second area that I believe is critical for the use of Action Research in the area of developing professional learning communities (PLC) in schools.  Education has changed drastically in the past 10-15 years.  The utilization and maximization of PLCs is the key for any principal to initiate a change process in schools that would positively affect student achievement.  Action Research provides the tools and framework needed for this to occur.

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